Dārta Vasiļjeva, PhD
Experiencing stress is a well-known, important risk factor for unhealthy eating behaviors in clinical literature. However, although a major source of stress in individuals’ daily life is their work, knowledge about the effects of work characteristics on eating behavior is still scarce. Throughout her PhD, Dārta applies important insights, theories and research methods from Eating Behavior research to the field of Work and Organizational Psychology. The aim is to extend our knowledge about the predictors of unhealthy eating behaviors and means to facilitate healthier lifestyle choices of employees. Specifically, she is interested in the daily (within-person) effects on unhealthy snacking at work and during non-work hours at home. During the course of multiple projects, she investigates the shorter and longer-term effects of work characteristics on eating behavior as well as generalizability of these findings to employees with particularly problematic eating behaviors.

Publications that I’m most proud of
Daily work stressors and unhealthy snacking: The moderating role of trait mindfulness. Occupational Health Science, 2023.
This study investigates the effects of daily work stressors on unhealthy snacking behaviors focusing on underlying mechanisms and potential protective role of trait mindfulness.