Jessica Alleva, Assistant Professor
Jessica’s research is about body image, which describes how people think and feel about the appearance and functionality of their body. More specifically, she is interested in positive body image, which is an overall love and respect for one’s body, regardless of whether it meets societal expectations for how a body ‘should’ look and/or function. Some of her research questions are: How do people overcome negative body image, to develop a predominantly positive body image across time? What are the individual factors (e.g., gender, age) and sociocultural factors (e.g., peer influences, social media use) that can increase or decrease levels of positive body image?
Much of her research also focuses on the concepts of body functionality (i.e., everything the body can do, rather than how it looks) and functionality appreciation (i.e., appreciating the body for what it can do). Her team developed a psychometrically sound instrument to assess functionality appreciation (the Functionality Appreciation Scale; Alleva et al., 2017), and an effective online programme (Expand Your Horizon; Alleva et al., 2015) to improve body image by having participants appreciate their body functionality. Functionality appreciation is a key facet of positive body image and is associated with well-being and physical health. Focusing on body functionality is currently the most effective technique for improving positive body image.
Publications that I’m most proud of
“I’ll never sacrifice my well-being again:” The journey from negative to positive body image among women who perceive their body to deviate from societal norms. Body Image, 2023.
In this research we identified the key ’turning points’ in women’s journeys from a negative body image toward a predominantly positive body image. This research sheds light on the experiences and factors that can contribute to a more positive body image, which can inform body image programmes and clinical interventions.
Body functionality: A review of the literature. Body Image, 36, 2021.
Body functionality describes everything that the body can do, rather than how it looks, and is an important aspect related to body image. In this paper, we review the key research that has been done on body functionality and identify the most important priorities and implications for future research and practice.”
Expand Your Horizon: A programme that improves body image and reduces self-objectification by training women to focus on body functionality. Body Image, 2015.
In this research, we developed and tested the online Expand Your Horizon programme, designed to foster an appreciative, functionality-oriented focus towards one’s body. Expand Your Horizon is now considered the most effective programme for increasing positive body image.”