Suzan Jordan, Researcher
Suzan is part of the research team of the NWO ‘vici’-project ‘Understanding Overweight and Obesity: The End of Average’. With the intention to include 600 participants, this large-scale research project aims to increase the understanding of overweight and obesity, and with that aid in the development of more personalized and efficient treatment. As a researcher on the project, Suzan focuses mainly on the coördination and execution of participant testing. Participants will undergo assessment of their body composition, blood metabolites, hunger and satiety hormones, and physical fitness, as well as psychological assessment by means of extensive questionnaires. Moreover, Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) will be used to evaluate daily lifestyle (eating) behavior. By being part of this research project, she hopes to contribute to alleviating the burden overweight and obesity imposes on population health and care.

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